Filmy z Blšáku
Aktuality20.10.2020: Najmúdrejšia Božka na svete (The Smartest Božka in the World) is now available for download with English subtitles.
2.9.2020: The premiere of The Smartest Božka in the World (Najmúdrejšia Božka na svete) is set on September 18th in the courtyard of Restaurant Burekas in Košice at 19:00. Hopefully the weather and the pandemic will allow for it to be a good one. Everyone wearing a mask is welcome! 2.11.2018: There is an upcoming event, where Sad Eve - the Misanthrope (Smutná Eva - mizantrop) will be publicly presented again. It will take place on November 18th 2018 in Kino Úsmev in Košice, Eve will be shown at 20:00 -- here is a link to the webpage of the festival with additional information. 9.4.2018: Sad Eve - the Misanthrope (Smutná Eva - mizantrop) is available for download in 720p with English subtitles. 14.2.2018: Downloading of The Comedians (Komedianti) was not working for some reason. It should be fixed now. If you ever experience trouble downloading/watching my films please let me know at sturmankin[at] Sorry for the inconvenience. 2.2.2018: A new film has just been finished! Sad Eve - Misanthrope is having its premiere tomorrow in Košice. It will then be screened next month in Prague and hopefully also in Prešov and Bukovec. Expect it to be available for download after these screenings, i.e. approximately late spring. 27.10.2015: A Doll's Life finished and available for download. If you want subtitles and good quality be sure to download the films and not watch them online, since that's google-processed and downsampled. 17. 5. 2015: If you wish to view the last film with subtitles and in a better quality be sure to download the actual file by clicking on the arrow button after the file is found on Google Drive. The instant player makes the image worse and doesn't allow for the titles to be displayed. 6. 4. 2015: After two projections in Prague I'm releasing the first part of A Doll's Life: Clothes Make the Man (Život bábik: Šaty robia človeka) for download. The link should be fine, I uploaded it again onto my Google Drive, so a fast download should be available. The mkv file contains two subtitles, the default being English, the alternative Slovak. 28. 2. 2015: With the first part of A Doll's Life (Život bábik) titled Clothes Make the Man (Šaty robia človeka) practically being finished, a number of projections in Prague and Košice will (should) follow. I know of at least one. After that (and after I finish synchronizing English subtitles) it will appear here for download as usual. Probably by the end of March, so be sure to check back. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime I plan on starting the sound design of the next part. Not making any promises, but I'd like the whole project to be history by summmer holidays. 11. 1. 2015: Dear Audience, we're back in 2015 with several announcements for you! First, the actual English title of the upcoming film (so far Mars and Martha) is A Doll's Life. The original Slovak title Život bábik has a bit of a different sound to it, but that's how it'll be. Second, the film will be split up into three parts of about 40 minutes each. They will be appearing here whenever they are ready (plus possible projections in Košice and Prague) -- currently I'm busy working on the sound desing and mixing of the first part (with a huge thanks to Roman and especially !Lenka! for helping me with the Crazy Christmas Sound Recording Project). And last: have a great year, do whatever you want to do, and nothing else. It will be another year of hard work! (Note: If there's actually someone reading this make me a happy amateur filmmaker and drop me a line -- a modest feeling of support equals a huge boost of the production!) 25. 11. 2014: Had to take a break from Mars and Martha. Next up: sound design, that means downloading lots of stuff from, maybe a bit from and doing quite a bit of recording myself. Meanwhile Lenka made a short animation about wolves and people, so be sure to check it out below -- it's called Vlci, which simply translates as Wolves. 27. 10. 2014: So far everything is going well with Mars and Martha. Up to a point that we finally have a strong candidate for the actual title. Not sure about early 2015, but I'm pretty sure it'll be 2015. With the rough cut being done I'm starting to think about sound recording, which is always the most tedious part so bear with me. Cheers! 22. 9. 2014: Just wanted to make a brief announcement that the postproduction of the upcoming film with the working title Mars and Martha is happily underway. I have been working on it quite a lot this last month so I hope at least somebody is looking forward to the result, still looking like an early 2015 release. Also I'm planning a new look for the website with the release, with a little bit of that jQuery magic! 23. 7. 2014: A quick solution for those experiencing problems with the download of Comedians: The 1 GB mkv file is available also on my Google Drive. 23. 7. 2014: It seems we're having problems with the server. Larger downloads tend to terminate unfinished, so please try to use browsers that support download resume (e.g. Opera). Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll try to work it out. 13. 7. 2014: Letný film s pracovným názvom Mars a Marta je natočený, ďakujeme všetkým zúčastneným za ich čas a trpezlivosť. Postprodukcia však bude musieť chvíľu počkať. Výsledok sa očakáva najskôr začiatkom roku 2015. 21. 5. 2014: Comedians with English subtitles are finally available for download (mkv/h264/720p) 4. 5. 2014: Komedianti po premiére. Pripravení k stiahnutiu v dvoch formátoch, zatiaľ bez titulkov: mkv/h264 je oveľa kvalitnejší, stropro vám to prehraje VLC; avi/MPEG-4/DivX sťahujte iba v prípade problému s kompatibilitou! Oboje je 720p. Anglické titulky očakávame cca do konca týždňa. Ďakujeme všetkým za podporu! 30. 4. 2014: Komedianti dokončení a pripravení na premiéru! A majú krásne plagáty a pohľadnice, mrknite na ľavý panel. Prípravy sci-fi filmu s pracovným názvom Marta v plnom prúde -- natáčame v máji, júni a júli. 5. 2. 2014: Kto ešte nenavštívil Lenkinu tumblr stránku dobre urobí, ak ju navštívi. Lenka nám robí titulky a plagát! 5. 2. 2014: David nám zvučí Komediantov, premiéra: koniec apríla? Držme mu palce! 6. 1. 2014: Rok a pol prešiel a Komedianti sú konečne skoro hotoví. Pripravujeme sci-fi z prostredia afrických Košíc a sit-com z prostredia európskej Prahy. 30. 6. 2012: Pridaná rubrika Amatérizmom k akademizmu. V rámci nej článoček o autorovom názore na to, ako si z nás Ridley Scott robí dobrý deň. 21. 3. 2012: Pomaličky začíname pripravovať film s názvom Komedianti. 21. 3. 2012: Nová rubrika Filmy z Blšáku, zatiaľ bohužiaľ len ako prázdna formička. Prekypuje však potenciálom. 6. 10. 2011: Kde rastú citróny konečne hotové. K dispozícii k stiahnutiu v Xvid-720p (odporúčané) a DVD. 6. 10. 2011: Úprava designu. 27. 5. 2011: Pridaná kategória LŠ a tri filmy Lenky. 26. 5. 2011: Undigestables a Eternal Values k stiahnutiu. 26. 5. 2011: Úprava designu, doplnenie obsahu. Máj 2011: Spustený web. |
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